Tips And Tricks And Shortcuts For Objective Reasoning

Objective Reasoning Questions Tips and Tricks and Shortcuts

Here,on this page, some quick and easy tips, tricks and Shortcuts for Objective Reasoning are given for you to follow and solve problems competently in competitive exams.You will also get some of its types along with question and answers.
tips and tricks for objective reasoning

Objective Reasoning Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts

These questions assess your critical thinking skills, ability to identify logical connections, and capacity to make unbiased decisions. 

1. There should be no mutual contradiction if the statement is made of two or more sentences.

2. Both the statement and conclusion should not go against any established facts or the prevailing concept of truth.

3. The use of words like always, only, exactly, at least, and so on make the conclusion unclear and invalid.

4. The keywords like such as all, few, most, must, no, had to, will be, always, few, never, should be, may, may not will help in analyzing valid and invalid conclusion.

5.The conclusion is invalid it is provided with a stated example.

There are 3 types of problems asked in the exam:

Shortcuts for Objective Reasoning

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Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts for Objective Reasoning Questions

Type 1:

Question 1.

We will win the match if all the players play with their full potential. We finally won the match.

I.   All the players played with their full potential.
II.  Because of only some players we won the match.

A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either I or II follows
D.Neither I nor II follows
E.Both I and II follows

Correct answer A


It is clearly mentioned in the statement that if all the players will give their best than only we can win the match. Therefore, only conclusion I follows and conclusion II does not.

Question 2.

“Due to change in the international oil prices, the government will review the present diesel price policy”. The government representative.

I.   The government will increase the diesel price
II.  The government will not increase the diesel price.

A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either I or II follows
D.Neither I nor II follows
E.Both I and II follows

Correct answer C


The government will review the policy to determine whether the price of the diesel needs to be increased or it can be kept the same by adjusting the price of some other factors. Therefore, either decision must be taken. Thus, either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

Type 2:

Question 1.

Sales of ice cream increase in summer. 

(A) People like to eat more ice cream in summer.
(B) Increasing Temperature affects ice cream sales.

A. Assumption I is implicit
B. Assumption II is implicit
C. Both assumptions are implicit
D. None of them are Implicit

Correct Answer: C


The statement suggests that ice cream sales increase in summer, which
implies that people tend to eat more ice cream in summer, as suggested
in assumption (A). Additionally, the statement indicates that
temperature affects ice cream sales, which supports assumption (B).

Question 2.


The sales of luxury watches have increased by 20% in the last quarter.


A. The price of luxury watches has not changed significantly.

B. The increase in sales is not due to a temporary trend.

A) Only assumption 1 is implicit. 

B) Only assumption 2 is implicit.

C) Both assumptions 1 and 2 are implicit.

D) Neither assumption 1 nor assumption 2 is implicit.

Correct Answer: C 


The statement mentions an increase in the sales of luxury watches. Assumption 1 is implicit because the statement assumes that the price of luxury watches, which can significantly affect sales, has remained relatively stable. Assumption 2 is implicit because the statement suggests that the increase in sales is sustained and not just a temporary trend, implying that the growth is likely due to factors beyond short-term fluctuations. 

Type 3:

Question 1.

Read the following paragraph and choose the argument that best fits the author’s point of view:
“The use of technology in classrooms has become increasingly common in recent years. While some argue that it can be a distraction and detract from traditional teaching methods, others believe that it can enhance learning and engagement among students.”

A. Technology should not be used in classrooms
B. Technology can be distracting and should be limited in classrooms
C. Technology can enhance learning and engagement in classrooms

A. Argument A is Right.
B. Argument B is Right.
C. Argument C is Right.
D. Either B or A is Right.
E. None of them is right.

Correct Answer: C

Explanation :

The paragraph presents two contrasting arguments regarding the use of technology in classrooms, but the author’s overall point of view is that technology can enhance learning and engagement among students.
Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

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