How to solve Table Chart Quickly

Solve Table Chart Quickly

Table Charts is one of the most precise and accurate method for solving the data interpretation questions based on Table Chart. On this page you will learn How to solve Table Chart questions quickly.

how to solve table chart question quickly in data interpretation

How to solve Table Charts Quickly

Table chart is a way of representing data in rows and columns. It is easy to create and read, but not always easy to interpret or solve.

Examples of data that can be presented in a table include: production/profit/sales of different companies in a year, list of students in a class, list of defective items, income of different persons, etc.

Rows or columns can be used to represent discrete non-connected data while the other represents connected continuous variable.

Methods of Analysing Table Chart

  1. Quantitative Method: It focuses on numerical data, using math and statistics to analyze and derive insights from numbers.

  2. Qualitative Method: It invovles non-numeric data, aiming to understand patterns and themes within textual or categorical information.

  3. Spatial Method: It analyzes data with geographic attributes to uncover insights related to location and spatial relationships.

  4. Temporal Method: It involves concentrating on changes over time, identifying trends, seasonality, or patterns within temporal data.

  • Read and analyze the data carefully.

  • Its calculation is very easy and there is no need of approximation for these type of questions .

  • Calculating the data by exact information has its own measurements and pattern.

Here are the few examples for detailed description and analysis to understand better the Table Charts questions properly :

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Questions and Answers to Solve for Line Chart quickly

Directions for Q1 :Q4

Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below.

Number of candidates appeared (App.) and percentage of candidates qualified (Qual.) under different disciplines over the years.

[table id=949 /]

Question 1.

What are the average marks obtained by all 4 students in Physics ?

(A) 89
(B) 69
(C) 96
(D) 87.12
Sol: Option (C)
Number of Students = 4
Marks obtained 90 , 80, 70, 80
Avg Marks =  \frac{1}{4} \ { ( \frac{90 *120}{100} \ +  \frac{80*120}{100} \ +  \frac{70*120}{100} \ +  \frac{80*120}{100} \ }
=  \frac{1}{4} \ {90+80+70+80}% * 120

=  \frac{320*120}{100} \

= 96

Question 2.

What was the aggregates marks obtained by Seema in all 4 subjects ?

(A) 289.85
(B) 380.5
(C) 30
(D) 335.50
Sol: Option (B) 

Total number is each subject = 80, 65, 80, 80
Agg marks = \frac{80*150}{100} \ + \frac{65*130}{100} \ + \frac{80*120}{100} \ + \frac{80*100}{100} \  

= 120+ 84.5+ 80+ 96 = 380.5

Question 3.

Ayush Overall percentage in Exam ?

(A) 56.59%
(B) 46.69%
(C) 45%
(D) 64%

Sol: Option (B)
Number scored by Ayush in all 4 subject = 90 + 50 +90 + 60.

 \frac{90*150}{100} \ +  \frac{50*130}{100} \ +  \frac{90*120}{100} \ +  \frac{60*100}{100} \

= 60 + 38.46 + 75 + 60 = 233.46

Total Marks = 150 + 130 + 120 + 100= 500
 \frac{233.46 * 100}{500} \ = 46.69%

Question 4.

Which student’s aggregates marks is highest in all 4 subjects?

(A) Ayush
(B) Aman
(C) Nitin
(D) Seema

Sol: Option (B)


Ayush: Total number is each subject = 90, 50, 90, 60
Agg marks =  \frac{90*150}{100} \ +  \frac{50*130}{100} \ +  \frac{90*120}{100} \ +  \frac{60*100}{100} \  

= 135+ 65+ 108+ 60 = 368

Aman: Total number is each subject = 100, 80, 80, 40
Agg marks =  \frac{100*150}{100} \ +  \frac{80*130}{100} \ +  \frac{80*120}{100} \ +  \frac{40*100}{100} \  

= 150+ 104 + 96+ 40 = 390

Nitin: Total number is each subject = 90, 60, 70, 70
Agg marks =  \frac{90*150}{100} \ +  \frac{60*130}{100} \ +  \frac{70*120}{100} \ +  \frac{70*100}{100} \  

= 135+ 78+ 84+ 70 = 367

Seema: Total number is each subject = 80, 65, 80, 80
Agg marks =  \frac{80*150}{100} \ +  \frac{65*130}{100} \ +  \frac{80*120}{100} \ +  \frac{80*100}{100} \  

= 120+ 84.5+ 96+ 80 = 380.5

Hence, the aggregate marks of Aman is highest in all 4 subjects. 


[table id=950 /]

Question 1

Which section has least success rate in annual/final examination ?


(A) A Section
(B) B Section
(C) C Section
(D) D Section


Total number of students passed in particular section.

= {No. of students fail’s in half-yearly but passed in annual exams} + {No. of students pass in both exams}

∴ A section Success Rate in annual exam.

[No. of Students of Section A pass in annual Exam × 100 ] / [Total Number of Student in A Section]

{ \frac{15 + 65}{30+15+5+65} \ * 100} %

{ \frac{80 * 100}{115} \ } %

= 69.56%

Similarly Success Rate for each section follows
Section B = 82.14

Section C = 64.70

Section D = 75.04.

Correct option (B)

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