CoCubes Statement and Conclusions Question and Answers Quiz-1

Question 1

Time: 00:00:00
Statements: The best evidence of India's glorious past is the growing popularity of Ayurvedic medicines in the West. Conclusions: 1. Ayurvedic medicines are not popular in India. 2. Allopathic medicines are more popular in India.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follow

Both I and II follow

Question 2

Time: 00:00:00
Statements: Death keeps no calendar.


1. Man must die one day.

2. Death can come at any time.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I and II follow

Neither I and II follow

Both I and II follow

Both I and II follow

Question 3

Time: 00:00:00
Statements: Wind is an inexhaustible source of energy and an aerogenerator can convert it into electricity. Though not much has been done in this field, the survey shows that there is vast potential for developing wind as the alternative source of energy. Conclusions: 1. Energy by wind is the comparatively newly emerging field. 2. The energy crisis can be dealt with by exploring more in the field of aero-generation.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follow

Both I and II follow

Question 4

Time: 00:00:00
Statements: The average number of persons per household is 5 in urban areas whereas it is 7 in rural areas. The national average is 6. Conclusions: 1. The population per unit area in rural areas is higher than in urban areas.

2.More persons live in the same household in the rural areas as compared to those in the urban areas.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follow

Both I and II follow

Question 5

Time: 00:00:00
Statements: The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. Conclusions: 1. Your life will be dull if you don't face a problem. 2. To escape from problems, you should always have some solutions with you.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follows

Both I and II follows

Question 6

Time: 00:00:00
Statements: Industrial Revolution which first of all started in Europe has brought about the modern age. Conclusions: 1.The disparity between rich and poor results in a revolution. 2.Revolution overhauls society.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follow

Both I and II follow

Question 7

Time: 00:00:00
Statements: The T.V. staff deserves an applaud for showing booth capture. Conclusions: 1.T.V. aims at showing things in their true perspective. 2. People involved in booth capturing have been recognized and are being tried by law.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follow

Both I and II follow

Question 8

Time: 00:00:00
Statements: America's defense secretary reiterated that they would continue to supply arms to Pakistan. Conclusions: 1. Pakistan is incapable of manufacturing arms. 2. It would ensure peace in the region.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follow

Both I and II follow

Question 9

Time: 00:00:00
Statements: Prime Minister emphatically stated that the government will make every possible effort for the upliftment of poor farmers and farmhands.


1. Except for poor farmers and farmhands, all others have got benefits of fruits of development.

2.No serious efforts have been made in the past for upliftment of any section of the society.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follow

Both I and II follow

Question 10

Time: 00:00:00

Statements: A neurotic is a non-stupid person who behaves stupidly.


  1. Neuroticism and stupidity go hand in hand.

  2. Normal persons behave intelligently.

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion I follows

Only conclusion II follows

Only conclusion II follows

Either I or II follows

Either I or II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Neither I nor II follows

Both I and II follow

Both I and II follow


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