eLitmus Para Completion and Inferences Quiz – 1

Question 1

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

Women's boxing is yet to be recognized as an Olympic support,----. If that happens the dream of most of the tough girls may come true.
(A) The International Boxing Association has been campaigning to include it as an event in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

(B) Though boxing is a very tough sport many women are seen willing to take up professional boxing now a days.

(c) Even some state governments are now willing to employ the women pugilists.

Only A

Only A

A and C

A and C

Only B

Only B

B and C

B and C

Question 2

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

Male Vanity is no different from female's ------ in Face, a confident man no longer shies away from stating his deep interest in beautifying his appearance.
(A) Western cosmetic houses have spent millions of dollars researching this: men want to look amazing too.

(B) Today's urban male spends as much on beauty products as his female counterpart.

(C) It is perhaps the fastest growing market segment of the feel good, look good industry.

A and B

A and B

A and C

A and C

Only C

Only C

All the three

All the three

None of these.

None of these.

Question 3

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

If you can't give every student a computer, at least give them a mouse each. ----- This seems to be the reason behind Microsoft Research Lab India's development of a software solution that allows the use of multiple mice in a computer.
(A) According to a recent study, it was seen that at least five students worked on a single computer in government schools.

(B) This will help them use the same computer simultaneously for the cost of a few extra mice.

(C) Each mouse will have a different cursor color and all of them are displayed on the monitor.

A and B

A and B

Only A

Only A

Only B

Only B

Only C

Only C

Question 4

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

Although the share of agriculture in the overall GDP has declined from around 40 per cent in 1980- 81 to below 20 per cent in 2006-07, its importance to the Indian economy can hardly be over emphasized. -------- In the context of ensuring food security and promoting inclusive growth, strategies to revitalize agriculture has become highly relevant.
(A) Fiscal deficits as a proportion of the GDP have come down but are still high by global standards.

(B) Infrastructure deficiencies can hold back further  grown in the agriculture sector.

(C) Recent Volatility in agricultural production has had its impact not only on economic but on price stability as well.

A and B

A and B

Only A

Only A

B and C

B and C

Only C

Only C

Question 5

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

Poverty is hitting increasing numbers of women, and it is hitting them harder, ---- The percentage of female-headed households varies from thirty to forty percent in some south and south-east Asian countries, to almost half of all households in developing as well as in industrial countries.
(A) This 'feminisation' of poverty is linked closely to the increase in poor female-headed households in developing as well as in industrial countries.

(B) The greatest burden of the world economic recession is increasingly borne by those least able to sustain it : women and children.

(C) Low-income women have sought paid work to compensate for decline in household

Only A

Only A

A and B

A and B

Only B

Only B

Only C

Only C

Question 6

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

Only statement A can be inserted between the two given sentences. The first sentence talks about increasing number of women being hit hard by poverty. Statement A which talks about the increase in poor female-headed households in developing countries follows the first statement and ideally precedes the last statement which talks about the percentage of female-headed households in Asian and African countries.

Only A

Only A

A and B

A and B

Only B

Only B

Only C

Only C

All the three

All the three

Question 7

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

The threat perception level in Andhra Pradesh remains very high and available intelligence points to the presence of fundamentalist groups, and cash flows with foreign links. ------ To meet the challenge of terrorism successfully, these issues need to be addressed with a sense of urgency.
(A) All these need to be watched, monitored and analysed thoroughly if dastard, terrorist attacks are to be prevented.

(B) A greater coordination among various wings of the state police and regular exchange of information and intelligence with the central agencies acquire importance in this exercise.

(C) The success of anti-terrorism strategy depends on the strength and credibility of counter-intelligence.

Only A

Only A

A and B

A and B

A and C

A and C

Only C

Only C

All the three

All the three

Question 8

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

Climate change and an increasing population could trigger a global food crisis in the next half century as countries struggle for fertile land to grow crops and rear animals. ---- Competition over sparse resources may lead to conflicts and environmental destruction, the scientists fear.
(A) To keep up with the growth in human population, more food will have to be produced world wide over the next 50 years than has been during the past 10,000 years combined, the experts said.

(B) But in many countries a combination of poor farming practices and deforestation will be exacerbated by climate change to steadily degrade soil fertility, having vast areas unsuitable for crops or grazing.

(C) The warnings came as researchers around the world convened at a United Nations-backed forum in Iceland on sustainable development to address halve hunger and extreme poverty by 2015.

A and B

A and B

Only B

Only B

Only C

Only C

None of these

None of these

Question 9

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

Despite strenuous efforts to ensure access to safe drinking water for people in developing countries, progress in reaching the unserved has been poor since 1990----- Water related diseases continue to undermine the lives and well-being of the poor.
(A) Rapid population growth, slow coverage expansion and unplanned urbanization has led to inadequate, safe-water supplies.

(B) Water availability is fundamental to health and hygiene practices.

(C) Sanitation systems should be installed in order to safeguard the health of people.

Only C

Only C

B and C

B and C

A and B

A and B

Only B

Only B

None of these

None of these

Question 10

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the most suitable sentence or sentences which complete the context.

The greatest discovery in the field of psychology is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind ------ This reveals that humans shape their destiny.
(A) As you think, so shall you be.

(B) A person's success and failure depends upon his/her attitude.

(C) Right direction leads an individual to achieve the set goals.

Only A

Only A

Only B

Only B

A and B

A and B

B and C

B and C

Only C

Only C


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