TCS Functions and scope Questions Quiz-1

Question 1

Time: 00:00:00
What is the difference between a function and a method?

A function is a piece of code that is called by name. It can be passed data to operate on (i.e. the parameters) and can optionally return data (the return value). All data that is passed to a function is explicitly passed. A method is a piece of code that is called by a name that is associated with an object.

A function is a piece of code that is called by name. It can be passed data to operate on (i.e. the parameters) and can optionally return data (the return value). All data that is passed to a function is explicitly passed. A method is a piece of code that is called by a name that is associated with an object.

A method is a piece of code that is called by a name that is associated with an object.

A method is a piece of code that is called by a name that is associated with an object.

A function is a piece of code that is called by name. It can be passed data to operate on (i.e. the parameters) and can optionally return data (the return value). All data that is passed to a function is explicitly passed.

A function is a piece of code that is called by name. It can be passed data to operate on (i.e. the parameters) and can optionally return data (the return value). All data that is passed to a function is explicitly passed.

None of these

None of these

Question 2

Time: 00:00:00
Consider the following code:

function modify(a,b)
integer c, d = 2
c = a*d + b
return c

function calculate( )
integer a = 5, b = 20, c
integer d = 10
c = modify(a, b);
c = c + d
print c









Question 3

Time: 00:00:00
What is the term given to the variable whose scope is beyond all the scopes i.e., it can be accessed by all the scopes?

Universal Variable

Universal Variable

Global Variable

Global Variable

External Variable

External Variable

Auto Variable

Auto Variable

Question 4

Time: 00:00:00
Anu wants to make a function that is not bound to any identifier. Which of the following functions should she incorporate in her program?

Global Function

Global Function

Null function

Null function

Anonymous Function

Anonymous Function

Friend Function

Friend Function

Question 5

Time: 00:00:00
Which of the following accessibility modes can be the specifier of a top level class’?Top-level classes can only have public, abstract, and final modifiers, and it is also possible to not define any class modifiers at all. This is called default/package accessibility. Besides that, private, protected, and static modifiers cannot be used when declaring top-level classes.



Only Private

Only Private

Protected and Private

Protected and Private

Public and No Modifier

Public and No Modifier

Only No Modifier

Only No Modifier

Question 6

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the correct answer. A pseudo-code which is similar to that of C++ and self-explanatory An accessible member function or data member for an object are accessed by the statement objectname.functionname or objectname. data member name respectively.

class brush

integer size, colorcode
function getdata( ) {--}//Statement 1
integer name // Statement 2
function putdata(){...}

function main

brush b1, b2
print //Statement 3
b2.getdata() //Statement 4

Deleting which line will correct the error in the code?

Statement 1

Statement 1

Statement 2

Statement 2

Statement 3

Statement 3

Statement 4

Statement 4

Question 7

Time: 00:00:00
function MyDisplay(string MyStr) //statement 1
print "Hello !"
print MyStr
return 1 // statement 2
function main() //statement 3
string str= "Mickey"
MyDisplay(str) // statement 4

Which statement will generate an error.

Statement 1

Statement 1

Statement 2

Statement 2

Statement 3

Statement 3

Statement 4

Statement 4

Question 8

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the correct answer
Tanuj writes the code for a function that takes as input n and calculates the sum of first n natural numbers.

Function sum( n )
return 1
return (n + sum(n-1))

Fill in ?? in the code.

n equals 1

n equals 1

n equals 2

n equals 2





Question 9

Time: 00:00:00
Choose the correct answer
Shrishti writes the code for a function that computes the factorial of the inputted number n.

function factorial(n)
if(n equals 1)
return 1

Fill in the missing statement.

return factorial(n-1)

return factorial(n-1)

return n*factorial(n)

return n*factorial(n)

return n*(n-1)

return n*(n-1)

return n*factorial(n-1)

return n*factorial(n-1)

Question 10

Time: 00:00:00
What is the output of this C code?

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int y = 10000;
int y = 34;
printf(“Hello World! %d\n”,y);
return 0;

Compile time error

Compile time error

Hello World! 34

Hello World! 34

Hello World! 1000

Hello World! 1000

Hello World! followed by a junk value

Hello World! followed by a junk value


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